Traduccion ingles español

Páginas: 8 (1913 palabras) Publicado: 23 de marzo de 2010

1.- Cuando llegamos a la fiesta mis amigos estaban jugando con unas muchachas
In go the party my friends’ wear playing with girls
2.- Cuando estuvieron jugando básquet ball en ese gimnasio, llegue un poco tarde
In the playing basket ball in the gym go little late
3.- Los estudiantes no hicieron los mapas y dibujos de las clases de ayer
The student ditch’s pictures theclass old
4.- Mis hermanos no fueron Buenos estudiantes cuando estuvieron en la universidad
My brothers wasn’t good students in the university
5.- Las muchachas de la Escuela no trabajaron en la tienda de ropa el fin de semana
The girls the school didn’t working in the store uncle
6.- Mi tío no estuvo jugando tenis en ese campo deportivo
My uncle wasn’t playing tennis in the campdeportee
7.- nosotros no estuvimos viviendo en la calle principal de la ciudad
We weren’t in the address at the vie city

1. - My brother is in the home of my aunt the weekends
My brother was in my aunt’s house last wired
2. - They are in the games of foot ball every Sunday
They were in the boot ball games every Sunday with the it friends
3. - The student’s are in the libraryevery day with the Spanish teacher
The student’s always went to the library with the Spanish teacher
4. - The players are in the gum with other teams of the city
The players were in the gum other teams of the city

1. - The teacher is explaining the English class
The teacher weren’t explaining the English class
2. - the boys are playing in the gym every day
The boys aren’tplaying in the gym every day
3. - the girls are dancing in the dance institute
The girls aren’t dancing in the dance institute
4. - They are in the theatre with the it friends
They aren’t in the theatre with the it friends
5. - she is in the kitchen with her mother every Sunday
She is in the kitchen with her mother every Sunday


1. - They bring the something’s for the partyof my uncle
They are bringing stuff for my uncle’s party
2. - We work in the dress shop the weekends
We are working in the dress shop on the working
3. - The workers play in the beach in their vacations
The workers are play in the beach in the vacations
4. - My aunt lives in the Mexico City with my friend
My aunt is living in Mexico City with my friends
5. - my sister plays theguitar in the orchestra
My sister playing the guitar in the orchestra
6. - The children run in the play ground every day
The children are running in the play ground every day
7. - He has some class of language for the later
He is hazing language class
8. - The students write some letters for their friends of New York
The student writhe some letters for the friends of New York9. - The players see the films in the two every later
They students are writing later for the it friends in New York
10. - The players are watching some TV films
They players are watching some TV films

Number 4

1.- They are swimming in the pool with others pupils of the school
They were swimming in the pool with others pupils of the school
2. - the student it’s are working inthe food factory every weekend
The students were working in the food factory every weekend
3. - My mother is cooking some cake for my sister’s party
My mother was coking some cake for my sister party
4. - They work her are writing some poems for the Labor Day
They woke were writing some poems for the Labor Day
5. - the players were bringing some bells for the games of SaturdayThe players were bring some bells for the games of Saturday
6. - My sister is playing the trumped in the orchestra of the city
My sister weren’t playing the trumped in the orchestra of the city
7. - We are studying language in the language institute of the capital
We weren’t studying language in the language institute of the capita
8. - The boys are learning something’s the chemistry...
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