
Páginas: 2 (408 palabras) Publicado: 23 de abril de 2012
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* Titanic
On the 20th century had become quite popular to travel in cruise, this was the novelty and everyone wanted to climb [no estoysegura que sea climb.. quisiste dicer "abordar uno"ppodria sustiruirse por "board one" one.

In 1912 a completely innovative ship, sailed 8eginning.. aca tampoco entendi .. es decir que lo empezaro ahacer ahi.. o quisiste decir que desde ese lugar salio.. si es asi sería zapó.. y el verbo es "sailed" ... si es de comenzar a "hace" seria bueno qeu se specificara... "began building on te portof... ]" of the port of Liverpool, all people were really excited what turned out to be spectacular. That magnificent ship named Titanic. On the deck "A" had great workout variety for first classpassengers. While they smoked a cigarette in a special smoking room, They [i could?.. osea que tu podrias hablar de politica?? o qusiste decri qeu "ellos" podiam hablar de eso.. si es asi.. seria "They"]couldtalk about the policy or any topic of interest. The cabins were also on this deck which were cleaned when passengers are in outside them. Had a room exclusive reading, where only attended by womenand while I read could be heard a relaxing music

* Espera me falto esto ultimo...

The cabins were also on this deck which were cleaned whenpassengers are in outside [of] them. 

Had a room exclusive reading, [ had a room exclusively for reading.]

where only attended by women and while I read could be heard a relaxing music [whereonly women attending either to read or listen to relaxing music.]

Y asi... espero te haya servido mi ayuda.. las opciones están entre parentesis para que las cheques y si te convencen las uses va.* On the 20th century had become quite popular to travel in cruise, this was the novelty and everyone wanted
To board one.
* In 1912 a completely innovative ship, sailed of the...
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