Caso de estudio cookie

Páginas: 7 (1577 palabras) Publicado: 12 de diciembre de 2011
Solution to Kristen's Cookie Company (A)

Before answering specific questions, it is useful to make a diagram of the overall process:
Note that in this diagram, activities are arranged in columns to indicate which resources are being used. Inside each activity symbol are written the capacity (in dozens of cookies) and the cycle time (in minutes).
1. How long will it take for you tofill a rush order?
Assuming this order is for one dozen cookies, we will need to do the following:
|RtActivity |Resource |Cycle Time |Start Time |Finish Time |
|Order Entry |E-mail |0 minutes |00:00 |00:00 |
|Wash Bowl, Mix |Self |6 minutes|00:00 |06:00 |
|Fill Tray |Self |2 minutes |06:00 |08:00 |
|Prepare Oven |Roommate |1 minute |08:00 |09:00 |
|Bake |Oven |9 minutes |09:00 |18:00 |
|Remove|Roommate |0 minutes |18:00 |18:00 |
|Cool |None |5 minutes |18:00 |23:00 |
|Pack, Collect Money |Roommate |3 minutes |23:00 |26:00 |

Therefore, the minimum time to fill an order is 26 minutes. We canillustrate the sequence of events with a Gantt chart:
2. How many orders can you fill in a night, assuming you are open four hours each night?
Here is a Gantt chart for two batches of one dozen cookies each. It doesn't take twice as long to produce two batches as it does to produce one batch, because you can start mixing the second batch without having to wait for the whole first-batchprocess to be completed (you can start washing out the bowl as soon as you finish filling the tray). It is possible to produce two batches in 36 minutes.
In general, a formula for the number of minutes to produce n one-dozen batches is given by this expression:

3. How much of your own and your roommate's valuable time will it take to fill each order?
For yourself:
|Activity|Cycle Time |
|Wash Bowl, Mix |6 minutes |
|Fill Tray |2 minutes |
|Total |8 minutes |

For your roommate:
|Activity |Cycle Time |
|Prepare Oven |1 minute |
|Remove |0 minutes |
|Pack, Collect Money|3 minutes |
|Total |4 minutes |

This is assuming all orders are for one dozen cookies.
4. Because your baking trays can hold exactly one dozen cookies, you will produce and sell cookies by the dozen. Should you give any discount for people who order two dozen cookies, three dozen cookies, or more? If so, how much? Will it take any longer tofill a two-dozen cookie order than a one-dozen cookie order?
First, let's consider costs. The cost of ingredients and the box are the same, no matter how many dozen you bake. So the only resource that might differ with the size of the batch is labor.
One Dozen
|Activity |Resource |Cycle Time |Start Time |Finish Time |
|Order Entry|E-mail |0 minutes |00:00 |00:00 |
|Wash Bowl, Mix |Self |6 minutes |00:00 |06:00 |
|Fill Tray |Self |2 minutes |06:00 |08:00 |
|Prepare Oven |Roommate |1 minute |08:00...
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