Causa – Efecto / Ishikawa

Páginas: 3 (688 palabras) Publicado: 23 de enero de 2013
Causa – Efecto / Ishikawa
Machine (technology)
Method (process)
Material (Includes Raw Material, Consumables and Information.)
Man Power (physical work)/Mind Power (brain work): Kaizens,Suggestions
Measurement (Inspection)
Milieu/Mother Nature (Environment)

* Was the document properly interpreted?
* Was the information properly circulated to all the functions?* Did the recipient understand the information?
* Was the proper training to perform the task administered to the person?
* Was too much judgment required to perform the task?
* Wereguidelines for judgment available?
* Did the environment influence the actions of the individual?
* Are there distractions in the workplace?
* Is fatigue a mitigating factor?
* Is his workefficiency acceptable?
* Is he responsible/accountable?
* Is he qualified?
* Is he experienced?
* Is he medically fit and healthy?
* How much experience does the individual have inperforming this task?
* can he carry out the operation without error?
* Was the correct tool/tooling used?
* Does it meet production requirements?
* Does it meet processcapabilities?
* Are files saved with the correct extension to the correct location?
* Is the equipment affected by the environment?
* Is the equipment being properly maintained (i.e.,daily/weekly/monthly preventative maintenance schedule)
* Does the software or hardware need to be updated?
* Does the equipment or software have the features to support our needs/usage?
* Wasthe machine properly maintained?
* Was the machine properly programmed?
* Is the tooling/fixturing adequate for the job?
* Does the machine have an adequate guard?
* Was the equipmentused within its capabilities and limitations?
* Are all controls including emergency stop button clearly labeled and/or color coded or size differentiated?
* Is the equipment the right...
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