Contaceptive Methods

Páginas: 4 (971 palabras) Publicado: 2 de diciembre de 2012

A contraceptive method is the one that prevents or reduces the chances of pregnancy and prevents the STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases).Knowledge ofcontraceptive methods contributes to decisions about birth control, prevention of unwanted pregnancies and teenage pregnancies. The methods used after sex are called emergency contraception.
Some of thecontraceptive methods are:
For men:
· Male preservative (condom): is a lubricated latex sheath that covers the penis and prevents sperm from coming into contact with the other person.
·        Vasectomy:surgical operation which cuts the vas deferens to the output of the testicles.
For women:
·        Female preservative: is a latex sheath that is placed inside the vagina. Prevents sperm fromcontacting the woman.
·        Intrauterine device: is a device that is placed inside the uterus preventing the implantation of a fecunded ovule.
·        Female pill: contains two female hormonessimilar to those that prevent ovulation.
·        Morning after pill: are hormones that prevent the gestation causing menses.
·        Tubal ligation:surgical operation which cuts the fallopial tubes.Morning after pill:These pills are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies, including teen pregnancy, from the first hours and up to 3 to 5 days after having unprotected sex. The effectiveness of emergencycontraceptive pills is 60 to 90%. This pill is a strong burst of hormones, not good for health that use it on a regular basis,only in emergencies.If the girl is under 12 is required to give consentlegal tutor to receive the morning after pill.Between 12 and 16 years old do not need the consent of the legal tutor. But is the healthcare professional, pharmacist or other healthcare facility, whodecides whether the teen is ripe for the taking. There are professionals who prefer not to take the pill for reasons of conscientious objection. In that case they should tell you which center you can...
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