Ensayo sobre daniel defoe en ingles

Páginas: 2 (333 palabras) Publicado: 3 de mayo de 2011
Daniel Defoe: Moll Flanders
Pascual Vergara Merino 1ere S

Daniel Defoe was an English writer,journalist and pamphleteer. He lived in the second half of the seventeenth century and in the first half of the eighteenth century. During his life, he was arrested because of his politicaladvices that were seen in his pamphlets. After been in prison he started his job as a journalist and later he publishes several novels, many of them decrying the social order of thosetimes.
One of these novels is Moll Flanders, this novel show the poverty of that time and shows how many poor people had to do bad things to live; Moll Flanders is one of those who had to steelbetween others facts. She tried during the most of his life to marry a rich man who could take care of her, but his first husband suffers bankruptcy and left her alone, her second husbandwas his biological brother (she wasn’t raised by her mother) so she left him. These story isn’t only the story of Moll Flanders, it shows the situation, not the story, of many women in thosetime and also many men who were forced by famine to became thieves, or other things and the writer makes the reader see how it isn’t a real mistake because “ it was a mistake impossible to beprevented”.
In my opinion, this text shows not only a story, they show a critical view point of the society of those times. Daniel Defoe showed in his books and in his pamphlets hispolitical and social way of thinking taking the risk of been arrested, and he was, and also the risk to be severely criticized, witch is a great think. Also we can see how the topics, and thesituation of these novel can be also used in our times, so Defoe not only wrote for his time, his work shows also contemporary problems, problems that had the human race upon all it existence.
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