
Páginas: 3 (690 palabras) Publicado: 6 de noviembre de 2010
1. These powerful and no doubt irreversible social changes penetration of westernised ways of life and culture into traditional life in the Andean countries, the decline of Andeanlanguages has rapidly accelerated. Huge expansion, into smaller and smaller Andean communities, of the money economy, formal education, roads, telecommunications and media, all of which are almostexclusively Spanish-language environments. 

Language is the soul of a people, if we continue to ignore quechua, we are losing something very valuable, a dimension of reality that help us in ourdevelopment as a nation and country.

That’s losing our identity

No teaching quechua at schools, we are forcing our children to lose all its cultural roots to enter a world that discriminates againstits mother culture, and this do nothing to learn a little of it, I think a union of these two cultures would be wonderful

Quechua is the official language of the Inca Empire and it is spokenEn la Provincia de Imbabura, se encuentran los Otavalo, Natabuela, Karanqui y Kayambi, estos últimos se encuentran además en Pichincha y al oeste de Napo. Los Kitukara habitan las zonas marginalesde la provincia de Pichincha.
Los Panzaleo están en Cotopaxi. En la provincia de Tungurahua, además de los pueblos Salasaka y Chibuleo, existen comunidades que se encuentran en proceso dedefinición
de su identidad y de reconstrucción como el pueblo Kisapincha. Los Waranka están en Bolívar, los Puruhaes en Chimborazo, los Cañaris en Azuay y Cañar y los Saraguro en Loja y ZamoraChinchipe.

2. raising the self-esteem of indigenous Andean communities

To interact with the local communities because in South America there are around 10 million people that speaks quechua.Historically, education has been used as a strategy of domination and manipulation, by which the dominion has remained in power, in this context, first, the educational objectives aimed at a...
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