
Páginas: 24 (5827 palabras) Publicado: 27 de marzo de 2011
Unidad académica: Ingenierías Facultad: Facultad de Ingeniería Agroindustrial Profesor: John Wilder Zartha Sossa E – mail:


Jhon Wilder Zartha Sossa, Agroindustrial Engineer, Master of Technological Management E-mail: Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – ColombiaABSTRACT It is an outstanding and urgent task to approach the dynamics and structure understanding of a Country’s Agroindustrial Innovation System, since the knowledge about the ways enterprises are conducting interactive learning processes, the way in which technological innovations are being generated, spread and applied; the procedures needed to develop skills in the management of such innovations,and about the Universities’ role in establishing these latter ones, is gradually becoming more important. In this article, the development of abilities in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching programs related to agro industry is suggested, considering the situation and challenges set out by the Agroindustrial Innovation Systems and the curriculums’ approach by competences is analyzed, as wellas the impact of agents such as the Ministry of Education and the Universities that have undergraduate programs within the field. Innovations on the processing of a specific Agroindustrial sub sector are emphasized in the main part of this article. It shows the lack of knowledge and studies about the relationships between

Unidad académica: Ingenierías Facultad: Facultad de Ingeniería Agroindustrial Profesor: John Wilder Zartha Sossa E – mail:

processing and primary production, and between processing and marketing. This lack of knowledge linked to the incipient emphasis on the processing done in engineering related to this aspect, to the limited synergybetween agents, specially big enterprises and to the scant generation of high added value drastic innovations, have lead us to evidence an entrepreneurial reality in which the technological capabilities to innovate are placed more on products, instead of transformation processes. Some suggestions as final comments are presented at the end of this document in which an appeal to review the advisabilityof working in a country, not with an Agro Industrial Science and Technology National System, but with an Agroindustrial Innovation National System (SNIA as it stands for in Spanish). Likewise, it proposes to continue with the analysis of other countries’ Sectors Innovation Systems, and an in-depth look into the universities’ role as crucial agents in a future SNIA.

INTRODUCCIÓN A través de lahistoria se ha visto cómo la tecnología ha propiciado las innovaciones más importantes de nuestro tiempo; éstas han logrado que las empresas alcancen mayor competitividad a través del aumento del valor agregado, o la riqueza o las ventajas competitivas; sin embargo, se observa un nuevo escenario en el cual el conocimiento es aceptado como el verdadero motor de la competitividad. Dentro del entornode la globalización, existen relaciones entre la innovación, la competitividad y la tecnología; relaciones que se pueden situar en un espacio que constituye un vínculo entre la macro y la microeconomía: El sector, entendido como subsistema o conjunto de organizaciones e instituciones, el cual se constituye, entonces, en un espacio vinculante, que se puede denominar


Unidad académica: Ingenierías Facultad: Facultad de Ingeniería Agroindustrial Profesor: John Wilder Zartha Sossa E – mail:

“mesoeconomía” y es donde se puede enfocar estratégicamente para desarrollar alta tecnología o competencia tecnológica. El sector tiene su propia infraestructura, y por...
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