Como mejorar tus grados

Páginas: 7 (1625 palabras) Publicado: 19 de enero de 2011
... How to Improve Your Grades ...

|*Some of these tips may seem simple, or obvious. You would be surprised, however, at the difference they will make in your learning and understanding, and in |
|the results you obtain for work you hand in, or for tests. |
|*In order to see a bigimprovement in your grades, you must successfully practice these suggestions in every class, every day. |

|1. Write or Print Neatly |
|No kidding, this really works! When you hand in something that's messy, the teacher will be forcedto read it very slowly and carefully in order to find the |
|important stuff. The teacher will find every single spelling and grammar mistake you made! |
|*On the other hand, if what you hand in is very neatly printed or handwritten, the teacher can read it more quickly, and is less likely to find all the little ||mistakes. Also, let's face it, teachers are human, too ... they are probably going to be a little more generous with an assignment that looks nice, than they |
|are with one that looks like it was written by a chimpanzee with arthritis! |
|2. Be Organized |
|Neatness and organization are skills that may be hard to develop, but will pay off in the long run.|
|If you can never find the right notebook, are constantly losing your homework and assignments, mostly because you are messy and disorganized, you are not only |
|aggravating your teachers, but you are probably losing valuable grades for late or missing homework assignments as well! |
|The first thing you need to do is to put the notesfrom each subject into its own, clearly labeled binder. Have some spare binders at home that you can transfer|
|notes to, when the binders get full. |
|*Keep the notes in order, and in good shape. Never, ever, copy notes or do homework from one class, into the binder fromanother class. |
|Keep your locker neat. The only school things you should ever see when you open it are binders and textbooks. Loose papers should be filed, or discarded. This |
|way, you will always be able to find what you need for each class. |
|Keep your notes for eachsubject organized ... neat, and in order. Have dividers separating the topics, so you can find something quickly. |
|It's far easier to succeed when you're organized! |
| |
|3. Improve Your Spelling |
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