Crítica: la joven con el arete de perla por peter webber

Páginas: 11 (2708 palabras) Publicado: 21 de junio de 2010

1. Datos técnicos

• Película: La joven con el arete de perla

• Director: Peter Webber

• Guión: Tracy Chevalier, Olivia Hetreed

• Fotografía: Eduardo Sierra

• Montaje: Kate Evans

• Música: Alexandre Desplat

• Actores principales: Colin Firth (Vermeer), Scarlett Johansson (Griet), Tom Wilkinson (Pieter Van Ruijven).

• Lugar y Fechade producción: Reino Unido, Luxemburgo 2003.

2. Semblanza Biográfica del director

1. Lugar y fecha de nacimiento: 1968, Reino Unido

2. Formación profesional:

• Asisitió a la escuela de cine en la Universidad de Bristol.

• Dirigió documentales premiados sobre diferentes temas que abarcan desde el compositor Richard Wagner hasta las criaturas de los maresprofundos.

• Dirigió la controvertida miniserie de Channel Four “Men Only”.

• En The Stretford Wives para la BBC presentó a Fair Ripley en una historia de revancha femenina contra los hombres.

• Su primer largometraje fue La joven del arete de perla, en el que obtuvo gran éxito, ganó cinco premios de la a

Academia, dos nominaciones a los Globos de Oro y dieznominaciones a los premios BAFTA.

3. Filmografía básica

Wuthering Heights (2010, actualmente realizando)
Hannibal Rising (2007)
Six feet Under (2004, episodio “The dare”)
Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)

4. Crítica pública

Girl with a Pearl Earring is the first feature for director Peter Webber. Most freshman filmmakers don't come close to Webber's level of accomplishment, and (not totake anything away from him) some of the credit must certainly be parceled out to the cast and the cinematographer, Eduardo Serra. Girl with a Pearl Earring offers sumptuous visuals and compelling drama effectively intermingled in a pleasing, satisfying production. The director has crafted the film with great care, composing each frame like a painting with respect to color, light, cameraplacement, and texture. Girl with a Pearl Earring could be silent and it would still be an amazing achievement. Indeed, the dialogue is sparse, which forces the performers to do most of their acting with expressions and body language - something Scarlett Johansson (who can also be seen in Lost in Translation) excels at. By reading her eyes and face, we understand her thoughts.

The movie purports totell the story behind the creation of Vermeer's 1665 painting, "Girl with a Pearl Earring." Since historical records are sketchy at best, most of the screenplay (based on Tracy Chevalier's book) is conjecture. The film does not carry a "based on real events" label. Nevertheless, the postulated tale is both credible and dramatically solid, thus forming the spine of a sensitive, intelligentmotion picture.

Griet (Johansson) goes to work in the household of Johannes Vermeer when she's a teenager. Forced into service because her parents can no longer support her, she must endure difficult conditions in order to remain employed. The Vermeers are not easy to work for. The head of the household (Colin Firth) is a moody individual, and spends long hours locked away in his vast studio. Hisperpetually pregnant wife, Catharina (Essie Davis), is resentful and jealous of Griet's youth and beauty. His mother-in-law, Maria (Judy Parfitt), is a strict disciplinarian. His children don't like Griet, and his patron, van Ruijven (Tom Wilkinson), likes her too much. Eventually, van Ruijven's attraction for Griet leads him to commission a painting of her. Maid posing for master leads to avariety of tensions, both domestic and erotic. The result of this, however, is "Girl with a Pearl Earring."

Most recent movies about painters have done a poor job of conveying the delicacy and complexity of the artistic process. Not so in this case. Webber's approach gives us excellent insight into Vermeer's creative process. The scenes in his studio, especially those with Griet working as his...
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