Experimento de zimbardo

Páginas: 4 (985 palabras) Publicado: 19 de septiembre de 2010
PRISONS: My most notable study was the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment, which was a classic demonstration of the power of social situations to distort personal identities and long cherished valuesand morality as students internalized situated identities in their roles as prisoners and guards. The details of that research are presented in the Stanford Prison Experiment web site atwww.prisonexp.org, which now explores links to the abuses at Abu Ghraib Prison. Our prize-winning DVD of the experiment, "Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment," is widely used in classrooms, civic groups andto train new guards at that infamous prison.

Also see my newer web site: www.LuciferEffect.com, which discusses issues raised in my 2007 book "The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People TurnEvil" (Random House, 2008 paperback), winner of the William James Book Award for best psychology book in 2007.

TIME: My current research on the psychology of time perspective focuses on the ways inwhich individuals develop temporal orientations that parcel the flow of personal experience into the mental categories, or time zones, of Past, Present, and Future, and also a Transcendental Future(beliefs about a future life after one's death). I am interested especially in temporal biases in which these learned cognitive categories are not "balanced" according to situations, contexts anddemands, but one or another are utilized excessively or underutilized.

My new book (with John Boyd) is The Time Paradox (Simon & Schuster, 2008) and its features can be gleaned from our new web site:www.theTimeParadox.com.

Although I am primarily known as a "situationist," the time perspective research utilizes one of the best individual difference measures available, The Zimbardo TimePerspective Inventory (ZTPI). It is presented, along with scoring rules, on the web site. Researchers can use it free with my permission and agreement to share results. There are nearly 24 different...
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  • Experimento De Zimbardo
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