
Páginas: 9 (2247 palabras) Publicado: 31 de octubre de 2012
The Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer in German), "Anti-Fascist Protection Wall" (Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) by the socialist German Democratic Republic - DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik - DDR) was also nicknamed the "Wall of Shame" (Schandmauer) by Western public opinion, one was part of the borders interalemanas from the August 13, 1961 until November 9, 1989 and separated the German FederalRepublic German Democratic Republic until that year.2
The Eastern bloc dominated by the Soviets officially maintained that the wall was built to protect its population from fascist elements conspiring to prevent "popular will" build a socialist state in East Germany. However, in practice, the wall served to prevent the mass migration that marked East Germany and the Communist bloc during theperiod after World War II
The Wall stretched over 45 miles that divided the city of Berlin in two and 115 miles that separated the western part of the city of the territory of the GDR. He was one of the best known symbols of the Cold War and the separation of Alemania.3
Many people died in the attempt to overcome the harsh supervision of the GDR border guards on their way to the western sector. Theexact number of victims is subject to dispute and are not known with certainty. The Berlin prosecutor considers that the total is 270 people, including 33 who died as a result of the detonation of mines. Meanwhile the Centre for Historical Studies of Potsdam estimated at 125 the total number of deaths in the area of ​​the wall.
In 1949 the three western zones became the FederalRepublic of Germany (FRG), on both sides began the reconstruction and protection of borders. Through the formation of the two states held political separation. Between the GDR and the FRG were deployed for the first time police and border guards and barriers were built later, principally from the Eastern side. Berlin was officially divided into four sectors demilitarized except for the armed forces ofFrance, Great Britain, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America in their respective areas, and independent of both German states, although practice, this consideration was of little importance - West Berlin resembled in many respects to a federal state of the RFA, with, for example, with representatives in Parliament (Bundestag). East Berlin was even declaredcapital of the GDR (Hauptstadt der DDR).
With the intensification of the Cold War, that after the seizure of high-tech products COMECON against the Eastern Bloc became a diplomatic war and permanent military threat, strengthened borders, particularly from the eastern side. The borders would eventually be a separation between the two German parties, to be part of the boundary between the EuropeanEconomic Community (predecessor of the European Union) and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), between NATO and Warsaw Pact members and between the two political ideologies and economic and cultural two blocks faced in the Cold War.
Since the establishment of the RDA increased migration towards the RFA. Since 1952, internal border between the GDR and the FRG were protected with fencesand guards: Created an area of ​​5 km in which you could only enter with special permission - typically for residents only. Near the border had another 500 meters and forbidden zone at the border a barrier of 10 m.
Nevertheless, the border remained open between East Berlin and West Berlin, difficult to control. Between 1949 and 1961, some 3 million people left the GDR from Berlin Oriental.6 Onlythe first two weeks of August 1961 47,533 people emigrated. Moreover, for many Poles and Czechs, West Berlin became a gateway to the West. Often it was well-educated young people, which constituted a threat to the economy of the GDR and, ultimately, the population of the countries. Approximately 50,000 workers in East Berlin worked and lived in West Berlin, but took advantage of favorable...
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