Métodos De Traducción

Páginas: 23 (5617 palabras) Publicado: 11 de agosto de 2012
A Guide to Succeed in the Translation World
Ruth Castillo
Edsson O. Araùz
Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí
Introducción a la Traducción de Textos de Ingles y Español
Semester I: Morning Group
Marisol Barraza
July, 2012

Central Idea
Translators encounter many difficulties when transferring meaning from one language into another. For this reason, the main goal of this termpaper is to analyze the top translation problems translators faced and provide possible solutions to these problems.

General Objective: To explain the main problems that translators face when translating by describing them in order to come up with possible suggestions to these problems.

1-Specific Objectives: to identify the top problems in translation in order to know how they can affecttranslations.

2- Specific Objectives: to analyze the different types of problems that can take place when translating.

3-Specific Objectives: to provide possible helpful suggestions that will help translators to overcome problems in translation.

Table of Contents

Topic: A guide to succeed in the Translation World.
I. Introduction:

II. Translation Problems:
A. PrimeReader………………………………………..6
B. Gain and Losses…………………………………….8
C. Connotation………………………………………….11
D. Naturalness of Expression ………………………..14
E. Set Phrases (Proverbs and sayings)……………..17
F. Regional Differences……………………………….20
G. Anglicism…………………………………………….24
H. Style and tone……………………………………….26
I. Cultural adjustments………………………………..28
III Conclusion……………………………………………….32References ………………………………………………….33

I. Introduction

Nowadays, Translation is considered one of the most complex activities around the world. It involves lots of human mental processing, concentration and language analysis. Vasquez Ayora(1977) states that “The translator does not translate words, but ideas, feelings, desires and the intentions that lie behind these”. (p. 280). This means thattranslation goes beyond the act of transferring meaning of words and translators have to deal with some difficulties that rise at the moment of translating, thus it is important to make reference of these problems because it is going to help us as a guide to succeed in the translation world.
In this term paper, we are going to start by presenting the top translation problems that affect theeffectiveness of a translation. This paper is divided into nine sections for instance: Prime Reader, Gain and Losses, Connotation, Regional Differences, Anglicism, Style and Tone and Cultural Adjustments. Every section will describe each problem by defining, providing examples and providing suggestions to face the problems encountered during the translation task.
Finally, the sources that we haveconsulted for the development of this term paper come from electronic sources such as journals, blogs, articles and PDF online books. Some of the online sources are: Frankenthales M, (1982) with the book The Translator`s handbook; Venuti. L,( 2004), with the book The translation studies Reader, Nord. C. (2009), with the journal El funcionalismo en la enseñanza de traducción; Ali. S with thetranslation journal (October 2006) Connotation and cross-cultural semantics; Vasquez A .(1977) with the book, Introduccion a la traductologia. These sources served as important tools to this term paper.
Translation has become a well-recognized activity that involves communication among cultures. In brief, Translators encounters many difficulties when transferring meaning from one language intoanother. For this reason, the main goal of this term paper is to analyze the top translation problems translators faced and provide possible solutions to this problematic.

II- Translation problems
Since the task of transferring meaning is a complex process, it is unavoidable to face problems in translation when getting in contact with two languages. These problems are caused in some...
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