
Páginas: 3 (582 palabras) Publicado: 19 de agosto de 2012
My rest day was wonderful, every day I feel lighter and stronger inside. Each day the rest is different and offers different possibilities. I can keep my mind quiet for 20 minutes and then a littlemore difficult to continue. However, the time varies depending on factors that influenced my practice. Yes, it is relatively easy, today it was because I was very concentrated. I felt without worryand that makes me more happier.
You can stop the violence spreading positive thoughts every day, practicing and meditating with a conscious effort to remove evil thoughts and surround ourselves of puredevotion, peace and love. Almost every time try to control and breathing, silence and not respond to hurt others. I never do or say something consciously hurt another person because I prefer to workquietly and humbly in inner peace. It is not a solution, you can not see a solution with violence and death, peace is the only way to spiritual progress of society.
No, as I said earlier life issacred not only men but animals and all beings. Humans can not believe us so superior and kill or injure an animal because we have to take care of the treasure of our world. Animals deserve respect anddeserve to live as human beings.
Yes, I can let go of all those things through my practice. I feel light and happy, very blessed to have this possibility. is difficult to describe this feeling but Icould say that puts a smile on my face and I feel less weight on my body and stronger spiritually.
In no way is acceptable to steal or damage public or private property. Is an act against the peacefulprecepts it generates hatred and bitterness. It is not reasonable, on several occasions have stolen my belongings and that is absolutely unacceptable, not because I'm more interested in the material,but because people strive to get our things and work hard and it is unacceptable that someone else will you remove or damage your belongings : it is a job without merit. I don't think it possible to...
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