Propositos año nuevo

Páginas: 11 (2602 palabras) Publicado: 4 de enero de 2011
7 Habits Author and Organizing and Time Management Expert Offer 8 Tips for Making More Effective New Year's Resolutions and Goals in 2008

1. Get out of debt or save money

2. Lose weight

3. Develop a healthy habit (e.g., exercise or healthy eating)

4. Get organized

5. Develop a new skill or talent

6. Spend moretime with family and friends

7. Other

8. Work less, play more

9. Break an unhealthy habit (e.g., smoking, alcohol, overeating)

10. Change employment
Covey says, "Begin the New Year by setting one New Year's resolution. Ask yourself, 'What one thing could I change that would significantly increase my happiness?' Be honest with yourself and examine your intent, motive anddesire for setting your goal. It must align with your deepest values, motivations and with what is most important to you. Otherwise you won't have the passion or discipline to stay committed when the going gets tough, especially when there are so many other things distracting you from achieving your resolution."
8 Tips for Making More Effective New Year's Resolutions and Goals in 2008 fromStephen Covey, Julie Morgenstern and FranklinCovey:
Think of Your Resolutions as Goals
Since many resolutions are notoriously vague, lofty and overwhelming, instead, think of them as goals. Make sure each goal includes clear measurements and specific deadlines (e.g., If you want to lose weight, your goal should state how much weight you want to lose and when you want to lose it by).
Set Only 1 or 2Realistic Goals
Don't create a long list of goals. Instead only choose one or two. If you're aiming to read 50 books, learn Italian, quadruple your savings and drop three clothing sizes, you're not being fair to yourself. Set realistic, attainable goals, and build from there. (e.g., Save $200 or lose 3 lbs. by January 31). If you are a procrastinator, create short-term benchmarks to keep you ontrack week by week (e.g., Save $50 a week or exercise twice per week during the month of January).
Write Down Your Goals
The act of writing down your goals will increase your chances of achieving them. Make sure you write them somewhere you will review them often (e.g., a planner or prominent place in your home or office). By reviewing your goals daily, weekly and monthly, and the progress youare making towards them, you will stay more committed to achieving them.
Take Baby Steps
Break your goal down into tasks with deadlines and schedule them accordingly into your planning tool (planner, handheld, etc.) The less daunting the task, the more likely you will be to complete it (e.g., To lose weight you need to exercise, watch your calorie intake, drink enough water, etc.) Add each step toyour task list or calendar to ensure it gets completed.
Go Public
Tell people you live or work with about your goal. When friends, family and co-workers know what you are working toward, they will be less likely to present you with temptations, more likely to notice or ask about your progress and encourage you. It also motivates you to remain committed to your goal so you don't have to admitfailure publicly.
Track Your Progress
Make a scoreboard where you can visually track progress toward your goal from your starting point to your end result. Post it where you will see it regularly (e.g., a planner or prominent place in your home or office) or wherever you have written down your goals.
Reward Yourself
Stay motivated by giving yourself rewards for incremental steps toward yourgoal. Achieving your goal is rewarding in and of itself, but why wait until you are at the end result to celebrate?
If You Slip Up, Recommit
Don't get discouraged if you slip up. Everyone has bad days. Just forgive yourself, recommit to your goal and keep moving forward. Stay energized and motivated to achieve the end result.

Resolutions Are Goals With Deadlines
SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 23...
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