
Páginas: 3 (675 palabras) Publicado: 6 de marzo de 2011

Federico García Lorca was a poet, playwright and writer Spanish, also known for his skill in many other arts. Assigned to the Generation of 27, is the most influential poetand popularity of the twentieth century Spanish literature. As a playwright, he is considered one of the summits of twentieth-century Spanish theater, along with Valle-Inclan and Buero Vallejo.

Wasexecuted after the military uprising of the Spanish Civil War, by its affinity with the Popular Front and for being openly homosexual.

Born in the town of Fuente Vaqueros, Granada (Spain) in afamily economic position of ease, on June 5, 1898, and was named after Frederick the Sacred Heart of Jesus Garcia Lorca, his father was Federico García Rodríguez, a farmer, and his mother, Vicenta Lorca,a school teacher who encouraged his son's literary taste.

From 2 years, according to one biographer, Edwin Honig, Federico García Lorca was their ability to learn popular songs, and staged anearly age in miniature religious services. His health was fragile and started walking up to four years. Home read the works of Victor Hugo and Miguel de Cervantes. As a student was somewhat irregular. Asa child he was put under the tutelage of Master Rodríguez Espinosa, in Almeria, a city where he lived with his family between 1906 and 1909. High school started back to his home province and left theGranada School of Law to settle in the Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid (1918-1928), after a while, returned to the University of Granada, where he graduated in law, although never practiced lawsince his vocation was literature.

The olive tree which was located south of Granada fusilado.La, where he was living the Moorish heritage, folklore, east and rugged geography, were printed in allhis poetry, where ballads and epic melt noticeably. After his mother, was Fernando de los Ríos who encouraged the talented pianist then for poetry, and in 1917 wrote his first article on José...
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