A escrita silábica dos cree

Páginas: 2 (369 palabras) Publicado: 11 de enero de 2012
In the many years that the people of northern Canada Cree language use syllabic writing practically unknown to the rest of the world.
In this paper, the communities used are four Northern Ontario,that is, the Cree-speaking communities of Fort Albany and Attawapiskat James Bay, the Oji-Cree of the Great Lake trout and kasabonika in northwestern Ontario (named Cree).
This writing can beconsidered very cost employing a small number of characters or symbols, but using these characters in a systematic and unique, ie each symbol is associated with a primary equivalent sound. The orientationof the symbol is still important as it allows to define the quality of the vowel syllable.
In relation to transmission of the Cree syllabic language, we can say that there never was a primary way oflearning. It is important to take into account the fact that few materials for a long time for the successful writing, there have been a substitution by other materials, and only later changed to thepaper.
The writing was mainly used by the Cree to write things in private use, and that use and that led to wide-spread syllabic writing.
The public level, the writing was used in the printing ofreligious texts. This allowed the written news release.
There were several factors that may have led to a rapid spread of the Cree syllabic writing:
The first of these factors is the economy ofwriting.
The second factor is the nature of agglutinative and inflected language Cree syllabic.
The third factor to excellent suitability for Cree language
The previous use of a system of signsthat may have prepared a communication to the Cree decontextualized
The isolation of these people
And some cultural norms that motivate learning.
But today these factors have no influence onwriting.
In relation to cultural norms of these people, as the elimination of emotions and the absence of direct request, can be written in Cree syllabic language, English or Cree transcribed in Latin...
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