Que Es Metalsa ensayos y trabajos de investigación

Historia de metalsa.

Modelo de Desarrollo Organizacional de Metalsa Automotriz HISTORIA DE METALSA, S.A. DEL GRUPO PROESA AUTOMOTRIZ- M.A. Manuel A. Soto C. Chihuahua, Chih. 28 de Enero de 2012. 1 Origen 1956-1966 Sr. Guillermo Zambrano Gutiérrez funda manufacturas metálicas monterrey en noviembre de 1956, entra en la industria automotriz a través...

749  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Caso Metalsa

I. DESCRIPCION DEL CASO. • CASO 11.1: METALSA hace de la calidad su forma de vida “Bendita sea la crisis”, dice Antonio Zárate, director general de METALSA, al recordar 1982, año en que las ventas fueron las más de la década de los ochenta. Era el último año del sexenio de López Portillo y la economía había caído en un bache que no podía imaginarse tan sólo un año antes. “Las ventas se nos cayeron a la mitad”, señala Zárate. En esa época fue necesario cerrar las plantas durante...

1265  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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REYNOLDS METALS COMPANY: DIVISIÓN DE PRODUCTOS DE CONSUMO Resúmen Steve Rosser, es el director de ventas nacionales de la División de Productos de Consumo (DPC) de Reynolds Metal Company, quería orientar todo el presupuesto a un tipo más discrecional de incentivos comerciales llamados Fondos para el Desarrollo de Mercado (FDM) en lugar de esos descuentos especiales. Pero Bill Dole, directos de cuentas, lo veía de una forma diferente ya que si recortan los márgenes comerciales perderán un volumen...

1216  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Reactivity Of Metals

reactions occur, changing the conditions makes them go faster. In metals it is common that some metals react more easily than others. The more quickly they react the more gas is given off. The substances in which the most reactive metals react are: Acids, Oxygen and Water. The most common reactive metals group is the Alkali. In the periodic table of elements, we can see there are metals which are more reactive than others. Some metals are more reactive than others; they are put in an order of reactivity...

884  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Resumen Video METALS

Universidad Tecnológica de Centroamérica Tarea No.6 Video: Resumen METALS. Seguridad e Higiene Industrial Catedrático: Ing. Omar Riera Nombre del estudiante: Andrea Alejandra Sierra Bustillo Número de cuenta: 11141091 10 de Mayo, 2015 Tegucigalpa, M.D.C. Tan pronto pasa un tiempo, pasa a la historia. El tiempo perdido es irrecuperable, los accidentes suceden en segundos. Se debe entender que dentro de las empresas como en cualquier...

688  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Maravillas Modernas Heavy Metals

Maravillas modernas: heavy metals Los metals están en todas partes. Se originan en lugares del universo como las estrellas y se esparcen cuando estas explotan. Basura espacial que se fue almacenando y los meteoritos que han caído durante siglos. Casi todos los metales son reciclables. El progreso humano se ha visto vinculado al uso del metal. Hierro, plomo, zinc, níquel y el cobre son importantes para la capacidad económica y militar de países como EU se guardan en reservas. Elementos como el uranio...

886  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Presentación comercial de los metales No ferrosos ALUMINIO Tipo formato medidas espesor barras Redondas, cuadradas y hexagonales Desde 6.35 mm a 254.00 mm laminados Chapas lisas 1000 mm x 2000 mm 1200 mm x 2400 mm 1500 mm x 3000 mm Desde o.50 a 6.00 mm Chapas gofradas Chapas antideslizantes Desde o.50 a 10.00 mm Chapas reflectoras rollos Desde 0.10 a 1.25 mm Perfiles estructurales Cuadrados y rectangulares Todas las medidas tubos redondos Diámetros...

721  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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CAPÍTULO III 3. METODOLOGÍA 3.1 Diseño y Modalidad de la Investigación 3.1.1 Diseño de la Investigación esenciales en el cigarrillo ecológico. Batería: Batería eléctrica, acumulador eléctrico. Dispositivo que almacena energía eléctrica usando procesos electroquímicos y permite devolverla luego para ser usada. Se considera un generador eléctrico secundario, pues no puede funcionar si no se le ha dado energía previamente cuando se carga. Las baterías tienen una vida útil...

1033  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Caso : Reynolds Metals Compay : División De Productos De Consumo

MARKETING Y VENTAS CASO : Reynolds Metals Compay : División de productos de consumo ALUMNO : Jesús Fernández SITUACION ACTUAL * Descuento al canal. Concesión de descuentos por cajas temporales a los mayoristas y minoristas de las líneas de producto. * A favor: - Es como se ha estado funcionado y con resultados aceptables. * En contra: - El gasto en promoción no llega al consumidor y hay descontento en los consumidores - Pérdida de cuota de mercado - No se cumplen los...

680  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Heavy metals

the mechanism involved in HM adaptation. Introduction Heavy metals have been defined as the group of elements that have densities higher than 5 g cm23, and 53 chemical elements fall in this category. However, according physical, chemical or toxic properties, several definitions have been proposed to describe a heavy metal. Interestingly, the concept can include elements lighter than carbon, but excludes some of the heaviest metals. In an ecological scenario, a heavy metal could be considered...

6844  Palabras | 28  Páginas

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Caso metalsa

Metalsa Metalsa es la compañía líder en calidad y productividad, en la manufactura de partes estructurales para camiones, camionetas y autos. Atiende principalmente al mercado automotriz de Norteamérica, con plantas y oficinas ubicadas en las ciudades de Apodaca y San Luis Potosí en México. En Estados Unidos cuenta con una planta en Roanoke, Virginia y oficinas en la ciudad de Detroit en Michigan. Su misión es: "Contribuir al desarrollo y la creación de negocios en la industria automotriz...

1884  Palabras | 8  Páginas

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Edgcomb metals

Diagnóstico Alex debe confirmar si la queja presentada por Spencer es real y debe sustentarla con el análisis de la información incompleta que ha podido recopilar. Algunas de las primeras verificaciones sugeridas, es la de confirmar la remuneración recibida tanto por Spencer como por Williams en un período determinado de tiempo. De la información de horas regulares y extra recibida por trabajador puede estimar el sueldo de cada trabajador en los primeros seis meses de 1983, tal como se muestra...

1293  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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ELS METALLS Departament de Tecnologia. 1 ELS METALLS. 1.- ELS MATERIALS Els materials són el resultat de la transformació de primeres matèries en productes útils per a alguna funció: construcció d’objectes, fabricació de màquines, edificació,.... CLASSIFICACIÓ DELS MATERIALS. Si atenem al seu origen, podem classificar els materials en naturals, transformats i sintètics. RENOVABLES NATURALS MATERIALS NO RENOVABLES TRANSFORMATS SINTÈTICS Els materials també es poden classificar en...

1517  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Recovery Of Metals

hydrometallurgical processes. Since the EAF dust is generated from scrap, then it contains not only iron and numerous non - ferrous metals but also sodium, potassium chlorine and fluorine. This combination of elements complicates any process which is developed to recover the metal values. In the treatment processes, the ultimate aim is to recover the valuable metals in a pure concentrated form. However, this goal is difficult to achieve, economically, because of the complicated chemical and...

3445  Palabras | 14  Páginas

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Analisis Empresa Metalsa Laser lumonics

USO CORRECTO LASER LUMONICS EMPRESA METALSA Materia: Modelos Administrativos Fecha: 06 de Agosto de 2014 Matrícula: 1329777 Nombre: Jessica Magaly Cortés Tristán Historia de la Empresa Historia de la Empresa Modelo Metalsa Misión y Visión Valores Organizacionales Políticas de Calidad • Puntos clave de calidad en Metalsa: Enfoque al cliente. Compartir mejores practicas a través de las diferentes plantas (consejo de calidad global) Metodología de solución de problemas. Sistema de calidad...

1961  Palabras | 8  Páginas

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Sources, Mobility And Bioavailability Of Metals And Metalloids In The Historically Mining And Smelter Impacted Altiplanean City Of Oruro, Bolivia (Chapter 1)

and Martin & Whiteld 1983 [28, 29]) Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl-1 SO4 2HCO3 SiO2 3- concentration marine water [mg·L-1 ] 10,733 399 412 1,294 19,344 2,712 142 - concentration riverine water [mg·L-1 ] 5.3 1.5 13.3 3.1 6.0 8.7 51.7 10.7 1.2 Trace metals and metalloids in aqueous systems 1.2.1 Introduction In this section, a brief introduction on the biogeochemical controls interacting in the behaviour of metal(loid)s (MTE) in aquatic systems is given, together with the anthropogenic inuence in...

6583  Palabras | 27  Páginas

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Acumulacion de metales pesados

Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection October 2009; 42(10): 956–959 Accumulation of heavy metals in leafy vegetables grown in urban areas by using sewage water and its effect S. T. GIRISHA1 & VINAY B. RAGAVENDRA2 1 2 Department of Biotechnology, Jana Barathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India and Department of Applied Botany & Biotechnology, Mysore University, Mysore-9, India (Received 13 June 2006) Abstract In Mysore city, the leafy vegetables which grow by...

1694  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Aguas Lluvias

Metals Metallurgy How we get metals Bonding and structure of metals Alloys, composites Properties of metals and alloys Mechanical properties Electrical properties OCCURRENCE OF METALS Most metals are found in minerals. 1) Elemental Form e.g. Ag, Au, Pt – noble metals. 2) Aluminosilicates and Silicates Metal + Al, Si, O e.g. Beryl = Be3Al2Si6O18 Hard to extract metals. 3) Nonsilicate Minerals Oxides – Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3 Sulfides – PbS, ZnS, CuFeS2 Carbonates – CaCO3 Steps in Metallurgy 1)...

1367  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Ciencia: familia de los elementos

groups include: alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, transition metals, metalloids, nonmetals, halogens, and noble gases. The elements are divided into families by order of their properties and number of electrons on the outer energy level, and by periods according to the number of energy levels they have. Alkali metals are all soft, shiny, and easily manipulated. They are characterized for being highly reactive under regular conditions of pressure and temperature. Alkali metals are composed of all...

1375  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Desventajas (cont…) Microfiltration Monovalent Water Metals Multivalent Surfactants Metals Oil & Grease Precipitated Metals Water Monovalent Multivalent Metals Metals Ultrafiltration Surfactants Oil & Grease Precipitated Metals Nanofiltration Multivalent Monovalent Metals Water Metals Surfactants Oil & Grease Precipitated Metals Monovalent WaterMetals Multivalent Metals Surfactants Oil & Grease Precipitated Metals Reverse Osmosis www.acsmedioambiente.com ...

807  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Corrosion attacks all engineering materials

Corrosion attacks all engineering materials, especially metals. Corrosion is any chemical action which harms the properties of a material. It reduces the life material and increases the cost of a structure. For example, a steel bridge must be repainted regularly to protect it from rust. Various metals have therefore been developed to resist corrosion. Among them are the stainless steels. These metals contain from 12 to 35 % chromium which forms a very thin layer or film of chromium oxide on the surface...

728  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Tabla periodica

Hay más elementos metálicos que no metálicos. The current modern periodic table explains in detail and updated properties of chemical elements, based on their atomic structure. According to their chemical properties, elements are classified into metals and nonmetals. There are more non-metallic metal components. El químico ruso Dmitri Mendeléiev propuso la tabla periódica de los elementos, que agrupaba a éstos en filas y columnas según sus propiedades químicas. Inicialmente, los elementos fueron...

1618  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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surfaces. The two main reasons for colored pool water are oxidized metals and algae. A turbid green pool water condition is usually attributed to algae. To gain a better understanding of algae treatment see the section on algae. Water color resulting from oxidized metals can come in an assortment of colors, and is mostly translucent in its early stages. Green, red, brown, and black are some of the more common colors produced by dissolved metals. Green color is usually produced by either copper or iron....

1430  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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RESISTENCIA A LA TRACCIÓN Fully Cold Worked versus Fully Annealed Metals. The above discussion has considered ideal plastic metals, which, by definition, do not work harden during deformation and show a constant yield stress when the linear strain is increased as in a tensile or compressive test. Metals that have been sufficiently cold worked would behave in approximately this manner. However, fully annealed, and, in reality, most metals will have a tendency to work harden during deformation and will...

1174  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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on the periodic table. 1. Alkali metals: first column of elements, group 1. (3, 11, 19, 37, 55, 87.) 2. Alkaline Earth Metals: second column of elements, group 2. (4, 12, 20, 38, 56, 88.) 3. Halogens: group 7. (9 17, 35, 53, 85.) 4. Noble Gases: group 8. (2, 10, 18, 36, 54, 86, 118.) 5. Transition Metals: several series of elements in which inner orbits (D and F) are filled. (21-30, 39-48, 57, 72-80, 89, 104-112.) 6. Non metals: elements that have no metal. 7. Lanthanides:...

610  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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contaminants in the soil such as heavy metals. For purposes of phytoremediation using hyperaccumulator plants called preferred, those that are able to grow and develop in soils with high concentrations of heavy metals. In most cases it is not rare species, but well- known crops, as in the case of sunflower (Helianthus annus) capable of absorbing large amounts of metals deposited on the ground. The objective of this section is to determine the presence of heavy metals in soils by miners Phytoremediation...

1300  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Grupo 13 e 14 Organometálicos

Group 13 and 14 • Most dramatic variation in a period from top to bottom (non-metals to metals) – Oxidation states +3 and +4 – Metals +1,+2 • Light members B,C, Si are important cationic nonmetals • Typically oxophiles and fluorophiles – borates, silicates, alumina, carbonates • Readily form alkyl and hydrogen covalent bonds – boranes, silanes, hydrocarbons Group 14: Carbon • Carbon has vast organic chemistry – Forms bonds with H and electronegative elements O, S, N, Halogens •...

953  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Materials And Properties

raw materials deriving from plants. Examples: timber, cork, cotton, linen. - Mineral. Examples: clay, sand, marble, iron minerals. Material Any prepared matter which is ready to use in order to construct objects. Examples: timber, plastics, metals, glass, stone, ceramics, textiles. Technological product Any object, tool, etc. created by humans to satisfy their needs and improve their quality of life. - We obtain RAW MATERIALS from nature - Raw materials are transformed into MATERIALS ...

1383  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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convenio de cooperación, entre nuestra Casa de Estudios, representada por el Instituto Tecnológico, y  la compañía HARSCO METALS CHILE, empresa líder mundial en las industrias del metal, minería, infraestructura, ferrocarril y energía. Dicho acuerdo, tiene como objetivo promover y desarrollar conjuntamente programas, proyectos, planes de prácticas para estudiantes y otras actividades en áreas de sus respectivas especialidades, para contribuir al desarrollo científico, académico, tecnológicoconvenio...

620  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Chemistry homework

formation 4. Toxicity b) The activity series of metals 1. Each element on the list replaces from a compound any of the elements below it. The larger the interval between elements, the more vigorous the reaction. 2. The first five elements (lithium - sodium) are known as very active metals and they react with cold water to produce the hydroxide and hydrogen gas. 3. The next four metals (magnesium - chromium) are considered active metals and they will react with very hot water or steam to...

866  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Group 1- Alkali metals > 1e Group 2- Alkaline Earth Metals >2e Group 3- Aluminum> 3e Group 4- Carbon >4e Group 5- Nitrogen>5e Group 6- Oxygen >6e Group 7- Halogens >7e Group 8 -Noble gases >8e Transition Metals Metals Efficient conductors of heat & electricity Melleability (hammered into sheets) Ductibility (pulled into wired) Lustrous appearance Non-metals Bad conductors Not malleable Not ductiles Not lustrous Metalloids Both metals and non-metals characteristics,...

1006  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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METAL A metal (from Greek "μέταλλον" – métallon, "mine, quarry, and metal") is an element, compound, or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat. Metals are usually malleable and shiny, that is they reflect most of incident light. In a metal, atoms readily lose electrons to form positive ions (cations). Metals are often extracted from the Earth by means of mining, resulting in ores that are relatively rich sources of the requisite elements. Ore is located by prospecting techniques...

1654  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Evidencia 1 Cadena De Suministros

útil para hacer el trabajo de una manera más eficiente y limpia, ya que Metalsa se preocupa por el medio ambiente y se enfoca también en hacer de la manera más limpia posible sus productos.7. Con base en los puntos anteriores, realicen un análisis sobre la situación actual de la empresa. ¿Creen que la planeación de la cadena de suministro es óptima? ¿Qué oportunidades identifican?El manejo de la cadena de sumisito de Metalsa, es mejor que puede tener de momento, ya que este manejo la ha llevado a...

780  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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was the English chemist that proposes the idea that elements are atoms that can’t get smaller? John Dalton Periodic table 1. How many groups are in the periodic table? 13 2. Name the groups? * Alkali metals * Alkali earth metals * Transition metals * Metals in mixed groups * Carbon family * Oxygen family * Nitrogen family * Halogen family * Nobel gases * Lanthanides * Actinides * Synetic elements * Hydrogen family 3. Elements that...

1004  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Fundicion centrifuga

pattern, and assembled with or without cores, and metal is poured into resultant cavities. Various core materials can be used. Molds are broken to remove castings. Specialized binders now in use can improve tolerances and surface finish. Metals: Most castable metals. Size Range: Limitation depends on foundry capabilities. Ounces to many tons. Tolerances: Non-Ferrous ± 1/32″ to 6″ Add ± .003″ to 3″, ± 3/64″ from 3″ to 6″. Across parting line add ± .020″ to ± .090″ depending on size. (Assumes metal patterns)...

1556  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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informe de fisicoquimica

the composite can separated in its elements. The elements of periodic table divided in three groups: metals, no metals and metalloids. The non-metals ere solid or gas, except bromine that is liquid to ordinary temperature, almost be worst conductors of heat and electricity, and electronegative. Them when unit with hydrogen form volatile stable compounds, with oxygen almost form anhydrides. The metals are solids. Except mercury that is liquid to ordinary temperature, characteristic shine, named metallic...

988  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Estructura periodica y periodicidad quimica

thought of as a graphical representation of the periodic law. The periodic table has rows, which are called periods, and columns, which are called groups. Some of the groups have special names: Group IA II A VII A VIII A Name Alkali metals Alkaline Earth Metals Halogens Noble gases The noble gases on some older periodic tables are called the inert gases because, at the time, it was thought that they did not form compounds. The Energy of an Electron When we talk about the energy of an electron...

1546  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Louis University has conducted a scientific study entitled “Environmental Contamination in the Homes of La Oroya and Concepcion, Peru, and its Effects in the Health of Community Residents.” The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and arsenic and other toxic elements in the bodies of residents and in their homes. This study was requested by the Archdiocese of Huancayo, Peru, and was approved by the Peruvian Health Ministry and Saint Louis University Institutional...

1433  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Dilatacion De Los Cuerpos

measuring the metals at room temperature, then a rice cooker is filled with water and heated it to its boiling point and are immersed in a timed metals, are remeasured experimentation objects. Later metals are placed in the freezer for another time period and are estimated to take measurements again.   With the experiment it was found that metals are expanded by heat and cold and they lose this expansion are reduced.   The errors involved in the experiment are: not knowing when purchasing metals maybe...

656  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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personas siguen a Educatina en Google+. Biología‎ Todos los Videos‎ Ejercicios‎ Looking For Es Aguas?‎ www.instantcheckmate.com/‎ Comprehensive Background Report and‎ More on Es Aguas‎‎ 3.062 personas siguen a Instant Checkmate en Google+. Metals testing equipment‎ www.tiniusolsen.com/‎ Affordable testing equipment for‎ the physical properties of metals‎‎ Agua de‎Tratamiento de aguas.‎ www.corptekindustrial.com/‎ Tratamientos potabilizadores,‎ desalinizadores y aguas residuales‎‎ Apartamento...

568  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Tabla periodica

configuración electrónica de su capa más externa. ns1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ns2 TABLA PERIODICA DE LOS ELEMENTOS ns2 ns2 (n-1)d1-10 np1-5 ns2 np6 6s2 (n-2)f1-14 7s2 (n-2)f1-14 Legend Solid Alkali metals Other metals Liquid Alkali earth metals Noble gases Gas Transition metals Halogens Synthetic Rare earth metals Other nonmetals Bloques Grupos: columnas Periodos: filas Bloques del Sistema Periódico Cuatro bloques de elementos Bloque s -Se llena el orbital s del número cuántico principal...

862  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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determined to a great extent by how easily it can be oxidized. The listing of metals in the succession of their oxidizability, i.e. according to their striving to form cations, is called the electrochemical series of metals. When a metal is dipped into a solution which contains cations of that metal, a voltage is built up between the metal and the solution in this half-cell. Connection together of two such half-cells of different metals so that they are electrically conducting enables the voltage difference...

508  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Diversidad Multicultural en las empresas de la actualidad

nuestra permanencia y crecimiento. Servir cada vez a un mayor número de comunidades como líder, al ofrecer la mejor experiencia de compra para el cliente y el mejor lugar para trabajar para nuestros colaboradores, derivado de una constante innovación. METALSA Proveer estructuras que ayuden a nuestros clientes a mover el mundo de manera más eficiente, protegiendo el medio ambiente y garantizando a largo plazo la generación de valor económico y social para nuestros diversos grupos de interés. Ofrecer a nuestros...

709  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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surface water to subsurface strata, oil and fuel dumping, leaching of wastes from landfills or direct discharge of industrial wastes to the soil. The most common chemicals involved are petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, pesticides, lead and other heavy metals. This occurrence of this phenomenon is correlated with the degree of industrialization and intensities of chemical usage. The concern over soil contamination stems primarily from health risks, from direct contact with the contaminated soil, vapors...

1175  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Paita y sus caletas

ministerio de Energía y Minas (y otras autoridades), retiraron su apoyo a la Manhattan-Sechura, que ha llevado este caso a un arbitraje internacional. Hoy se trata de las perniciosas pretensiones de la compañía minera Majaz, subsidiaria de la Monterrico Metals de Inglaterra, que pretende explotar el proyecto minero Río Blanco (explotación cuprífera a cielo abierto y hoy en proceso de factibilidad en la zona) en las cabeceras de este río en el distrito de Carmen de la frontera, comunidades de Segunda. Cajas...

521  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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properties of the Noble Gases and Halogens and relate their positions on the Periodic Table. |32 - 33 | | | |Compare the properties of the Alkaline Metals and the Alkaline Earth Metals. | | | | |Describe the trends (atomic radius, melting point, boiling point, reactivity and mass) of the Periodic...

1283  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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granos blancos (ferrita) y zonas oscuras (laminar perlita). 500x. Fuente: Metallography and Microstructures. Volume 9. Edition Metals Handbook (1985) Pág. 416. Foto #11. ASTM A106. Especie que toma dirección longitudinal. Estructura formadas por ferrita (áreas claras) y perlita (áreas oscuras). 100x. Fuente: Metallography and Microstructures. Volume 9. Edition Metals Handbook (1985) Pág. 416. * Proporción de cada fase: Para hallar la proporción de cada fase utilizamos...

1003  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Clase 4 El Problema De La Realidad

 es   Accidente:   predicados   que,   si   faltaran,   no   alterarían   la   esencia  de  la  sustancia   Literatura:  apariencia  versus  realidad Ciencia  y  filosoLa:  apariencia  y  realidad Ontología  y  metaLsica:  diferencias Ontología   Meta:sica   Rama  de  la   filoso:a   Rama  de  la   filoso:a   Teoría  del   ente   Problema   de  lo  que  es   Ontología,  teoría  de  lo  que  hay Entes  u  objetos  reales...

815  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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C., Hui, Z., & Li, Q. (2011). Heavy Metals in Food Crops and the Associated Potential for Combined Health Risk due to Interactions between Metals. Human & Ecological Risk Assessment, 17(3), 700-711. doi:10.1080/10807039.2011.571117 *Roberts, A. S. (2011). Technology: New Ways for Clean Water. Technology & Engineering Teacher, 71(4), 4-9. *Kulbat, E. E., Olanczuk, K. K., Quant, B. B., Geneja, M. M., & Haustein, E. E. (2003). Heavy Metals Removal in the Mechanical-Biological Wastewater...

555  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Arrowbio tech

preparation and separation stage is based on the principle that inorganic materials, such as metals and glass, have a specific weight that is greater than water, while plastics and biodegradable organic matter have a specific weight that is equal to or less than water. The heavy components that sunk to the bottom and were subsequently separated from the organic stream include ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, glass and other inert materials. These materials travel down a processing line, where they...

676  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Tabla Periodica

| | Alkali Metals | | | | | | | | | | | |Alkaline Earth Metals | |C |Br |He |Tc | | | | | | |Transition Metals ...

709  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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transition metals, certain semimetals, lanthanides, and actinides are included. Many different definitions have been proposed based on density, some on atomic number or atomic weight, and some on chemical properties or detoxicidad. The term heavy metal is considered a "bad name" in an IUPAC technical report due to the contradictory definition and lack of "coherent scientific basis". There is an alternative term toxic metal, for which there is no consensus on the exact definition. Heavy metals are naturally...

937  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Contaminacion de suelos

the heavy metals in soils. In: Alloway, B.J. (ed.). Heavy metals in soils. Blackie Academic and Professional, London, 2da. Edition. 38-57 pp. Clemente R., Walker D. J., Bernal M. P. 2005. Uptake of heavy metals and As by Brassica juncea grown in a contaminated soil in Aznalcóllar (Spain): The effect of soil amendments. Elsevier. Science direct. Environmental Pollution 138: 46-58. Lacour, S., Bollinger, J. C., Serpaud, B., Chantron, P., Arcos, R., 2001. Removal of heavy metals in industrial...

1348  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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Normas a-36

Coating Thickness Gages for ALL Metal Substrates Wireless Technology Series All Gages Feature... Simple ■ ■ ■ ■ Easy steps to select a gage... Select substrate F — for ferrous metals (steel and cast iron) N — for non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, etc.) FN — for all metal substrates—Gage automatically recognizes the substrate and takes a measurement Ready to measure—no calibration adjustment required for most applications One-handed menu navigation Bi-color indicator light—ideal...

1188  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Metodología para recuperar metales oro, plata y grupo del platino presentes en chatarra electrónica

METHODOLOGY FOR RECOVERY PRECIOUS METALS: GOLD, SILVER AND PLATINUM GROUP FROM ELECTRONIC WASTE OSCAR JAIME RESTREPO B. ojrestre@unal.edu.co HONORIO OLIVEROS GÓMEZ hjoliverosg@unal.edu.co Instituto de Minerales - CIMEX. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín. ABSTRACT Colombia produces nine tons of electronic waste per year and there are approximately 60 tons accumulation generated in the last nine years. This work aims to establish a general methodology in the laboratory to recover...

1571  Palabras | 7  Páginas

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Hey dude

one of the elements that are used to make alloys is a metal. There are many kinds of alloys. The ones that I am going to talk are: bronze, steel, brass, electrum and pewter. Bronze is made up of copper and tin. But we can also add to the bronze metals like silicon, phosphorus, aluminium and manganese. First bronze was made up of copper and arsenic, and they form arsenic bronze. In the 3rd millenium BC, the arsenic was changed into tin. Bronze with tin is stronger and less harmful than arsenic...

639  Palabras | 3  Páginas

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Guia De Morfologia Cajon Del Maipo

mineralized rock to surface waters a b s t r a c t The formation of acid mine drainage from metals extraction or natural acid rock drainage and its mixing with surface waters is a complex process that depends on petrology and mineralogy, structural geology, geomorphology, surface-water hydrology, hydrogeology, climatology, microbiology, chemistry, and mining and mineral processing history. The concentrations of metals, metalloids, acidity, alkalinity, Cl-, F- and SO4-2 found in receiving streams, rivers...

1024  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Evidencia 1 Cadena De Suministro

útil para hacer el trabajo de una manera más eficiente y limpia, ya que Metalsa se preocupa por el medio ambiente y se enfoca también en hacer de la manera más limpia posible sus productos. 7. Con base en los puntos anteriores, realicen un análisis sobre la situación actual de la empresa. ¿Creen que la planeación de la cadena de suministro es óptima? ¿Qué oportunidades identifican? El manejo de la cadena de sumisito de Metalsa, es mejor que puede tener de momento, ya que este manejo la ha llevado...

833  Palabras | 4  Páginas

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Definicion de procesos

Incluir todos los pasos de valor agregado o sin valor agregado  Pasos del proceso, inspección/prueba, reproceso, puntos de desecho Manufacturing Mixing Extrusion Water and Metals Preparation Extrude through die Dryer Calciner Material drying, surface area issues NADM Impregnation Solution Preparation Metals addition Fluid Bed Dryer Final preparation / appearance issues Non-Manufacturing Answer Phone Greet customer Determine parts needed Identify need date Identify ship to address Identify...

1487  Palabras | 6  Páginas

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is often found also in minerals or pure. Copper is probably one of the most known metals in the world because of it quantity, but why is it extracted? How it is extracted? And what are the positives and negatives of this extraction? These are all questions to be answered in this essay. Copper is a reddish coloured metal and has a bright metallic shine. It has different properties that set it apart to other metals. It is a tough but ductile metal. It is corrosion resistant even though it does react...

1182  Palabras | 5  Páginas

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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas