Mexico in context

Páginas: 19 (4524 palabras) Publicado: 2 de marzo de 2011
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Mexico, Globalization and its Impact on Society and Business
Course: Mexico in Context.
Instructor: Mtro Adolfo Rico (FCA UABC)
Mexico has experienced a substantial economic and political transformation since 1982. In the economic arena, Mexico has successfully departed from an import-substitution model and adopted a free-trade economy. Highimportance has been given to openness, leading to a successful negotiation of free trade agreements with North America, the European Union, Japan and several countries in South America and around the World. Politically, Mexico is facing a transition period from a strong party dictatorship to democracy.
Global trends have affected all aspects of Mexican life. The profound restructuring of theMexican Economy and political system have created a roller coaster effect with the achievement of important goals succeeded by recurrent crisis. These elements make the Mexican experience a complex and interesting case of study to explore.
The aim of this course, which combines lectures with class discussion, is to understand Mexico´s present with socioeconomic conditions and challenges, as well asits possible scenarios for the future.
Course Organization.
Students are expected to read in advance to be able to participate in class discussions that will take place after the instructor presents a topic in class. In a normal session, the instructor will devote approximately two to two and half hours to present the topic, allowing one to one and a half hours for class discussion.
All classproceedings and discussion will be in English, Students that use any other language will be penalized by instructor.
Grades will be based on attendance (15%), class participation (25%), a mid term (30%) and a final examination (30%). Exams will be based on class contents and readings.
Course readings can be found in the following books and documents:
Aguilar Camín,Héctor and Meyer, Lorenzo. In the shadow of the Mexican Revolution. Contemporary Mexican History, 1910-1989 (Austin, University of Texas Press, 1993). Students should purchase book.
Peters Dussel, Enrique and Kwan S. Kim: From Trade Liberalization to Economic Integration: The Case of Mexico. (Notre Dame: The Helen Kellog Institute for International Studies. Working paper # 187, 1993)
Alfonso J.Galindo Why is Mexico Unstable? Corporativism and Rent Seeking since 1929. UCLA unpublished dissertation.
Geoffrey Garrett. Globalization´s Missing Middle in Foreign Affairs (November-December 2004)
Jaime Rodríguez, 19th. Century Mexico. Published in Don Mabry´s Historical Text Archives.

Modern History Sourcebook: 
George M. McBride: Haciendas
from The Land Systemsof Mexico, 1923

The Haciendas of Mexico are the most conspicuous feature of the land system of the country. They give to agricultural Mexico its distinctive cast, and, by their great size, create the impression that the entire land is divided into vast rural estates. These properties, indeed, are the only type of agricultural holding immediately visible to the traveler in many parts of Mexico,just as the hacendado is the only type of agriculturist whose interest reach beyond the immediate neighborhood of his home. . Many of the haciendas are of very great extent; it is estimated that 300 of them contain at least 25,000 acres each...The Mexican hacienda seldom contains less than 2,500 acres--whether situated in the arid plains of the north, where land is worth little or nothing, or inthe densely settled areas of the Mesa Central.
The haciendas are settlements complete in themselves. Indeed, few of these estates have less than a hundred, while many of them have as many as a thousand inhabitants. . . Furthermore, the haciendas are all named; they appear on the maps; and they are important units of public administration, often being incorporated as municipios. They include...
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