Violencia Intrafamiliar

Páginas: 5 (1047 palabras) Publicado: 2 de julio de 2012
Liceo Portezuelo one
Zoila Rosa Carreño

Name: María Isidora Ladrón De Guevara Tapia
Grade: 3° b
Date: 25-06-12
Teacher: Gladys Vidal Castro
Subjet: English
Two1. – Introduction
2. – The Family
3. – Domestic violence :
Child abuse
Spousal violence
Mistreatment of elders
4. - Causes of domestic violence
5. Consequences
6. Personal opinionthree

The issue addressed by this research is that of domestic violence, I chose this topic because it is a situation that affects millions of families, is a problem that always existed but is now coming to light as it is but a very large sector of the population denies.
My main interest,which made this work, is to assist and inform people about this problem, because the information would give culture to find out which environment they are living and can distinguish between a peaceful and a violent situation.
In researching I learned that violence causes originate, at what grades can go and mainly taught me to avoid these situations, not only familiar, but in any sphereFour

Etymologically, the term comes from the Roman family as a designation of family trust, meeting fámulos ie of children, servants and slaves. With the advent of Christianity this conception was used to designate as "family bondage of a cardinal." Then finally abandoned andcharacteristics not related to patriarchal oppression.
Among the many changes that have taken place in this century that have influenced the more important are:
Ties with the family (relatives) are lower.
Children spend much time away from home.
The main entertainment is television families.
Many mothers work outside the home.
Divorce. Separations and remarriages are rising.
There is more interactionwith strangers than with family.
All these changes result in that communication, positive family activities and the fellowship that provides ease and accessibility to get to know more relatives (feelings, emotions, problems, joys, etc..) Are in decreasing making members many families are strangers to each other, which limits the support, understanding, cooperation and sense of commitment to eachother.


"Family violence began tematizarse as serious social problem in the early 60's when some authorsdescribed the beaten child syndrome, redefining abuse towards children."Family is very important for the development and formation of personality, one who provides the culture, tradition and seeks to meet not only physical and material needs, but also emotional, here also to place the person in a context that teaches the individual to live in a group, providing security, as is meeting the need forprotection. This provides core values, rules, limits and guidelines for coexistence. When violence occurs, it leads to frustration and deformation of the functions of both the family and each of its members within and outside of it.
The deterioration of family relationships is not due to a single cause, but to many, this is the reason that once you start, it is difficult to stop. This also explains...
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  • Violencia Intrafamiliar

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